Mat Sachs
I'm a full-stack software engineer in Portland, Oregon. I build
applications with Node/JavaScript, React, Ruby/Rails, Docker, Linux,
SQL/databases, GCP/AWS cloud platforms, and more.
and more...
I'm also a co-creator of the Mashr framework.

Mashr is an open source data pipeline orchestration and monitoring framework for small applications.
Mashr simplifies the process of extracting data from disparate sources and loading it into a single destination database. Mashr is built with Node.js, provides an easy-to-use CLI, uses Docker to host Embulk on GCE Instances on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and is optimized for data pipeline best practices including monitoring, archiving & backup.
A Reddit-like application built with Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL. Allows users to authenticate, create posts, comment on posts, add categories, upvote or downvote posts, and edit profile information.
Airline Routes Viewer
A React application that allows users to view airline routes and filter them by airline or airport. Bootstrapped with Create React App.
Task Manager Application
A responsive application for task management with Ruby and Sinatra backend and JavaScript(ES6), JQuery, and Handlebars.js frontend. Users perform CRUD operations with tasks.